old laptop to backup photos while on vacation?

J F j1234f at excite.com
Wed Mar 14 04:36:51 UTC 2007

Maybe a little off topic, but I'm going on vacation

and want to use the 

old laptop to backup photos while on vacation.

But the old laptop has a 4 GB hard disk and a pathetic 16M of memory.

It won't run a windowing system.

But I could:

1.  Put on non graphical linux or ubuntu on a big 3.5" disk

and find an adapter cable to hook a big desktop drive to the old


I just couldn't find a cable like it in silicon valley, california.

Any ideas?

2.  hook up an external USB disk drive enclosure to back up photos off 

the camera.

3.  buy a huge drive for the ancient laptop and hope it will recognize it.

I just don't to leave my new laptop in the room for it to get stolen,

but do need to get photos off 2gb sd cards in the evening.

Any ideas?

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