Invoking commands on a Windows box from Ubuntu

Guido Heumann listguido at
Wed Mar 14 18:14:28 UTC 2007

David Abrahams schrieb:
> I have some automated testing processes I need to run on windows 32-
> and 64-bit (virtual) machines.  I want to launch commands, from a
> shell on my linux machine, which act just as though I had invoked them
> from a command shell window in windows.
> I've tried running ssh daemons on the Windows boxes, both from cygwin
> (32-bit binaries only but will run on XP64) and from Vandyke Software
> (won't even install on XP64).  In both cases there are differences in
> the environment I get in my remote shells, even if I take care to
> force all my environment variables.  The problems I've been
> seeing have mostly had to do with permissions and samba shares.
> Anyway, this seems like it must be something people want to do
> regularly.  Is there a more direct solution?

I think some versions of Win XP come with a telnet service which you can
install and enable. This has of course all the security drawbacks of
telnet, but will probably give you the standard environment variables on
the windows machine.


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