[ILUG-BOM] Re: Motherboard conked.Suggestions for a new mobo/processor

Matthew Clarke mj3clark at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 00:09:33 UTC 2007

On 3/7/07, Eamonn Sullivan <eamonn.sullivan at gmail.com> wrote:
> It didn't even work in Feisty, for me. I filed a bug report about it,
> though, so maybe it'll work by release. SATA/networking/video/etc.
> worked fine. I understand some of those weren't working well in
> earlier kernels.

Ditto for me.  I've tried every Feisty Herd on my MSI C2D mobo with no
success.  Never manages to handle the JMicron-controlled PATA CD
drive.  I realize there are plenty of workarounds but I'm not that
motivated to get into it because I can run feisty just fine on my Core
Duo laptop.

However, this would be very nasty if feisty is released with this
problem.  It's a showstopper for non-power users with these newer
machines.  (although i suppose eventually this hybrid Pata/Sata config
will no doubt disappear...)
Matthew Clarke

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