[ILUG-BOM] Re: Motherboard conked.Suggestions for a new mobo/processor

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Fri Mar 9 15:56:42 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 07 March 2007 09:56, Eamonn Sullivan wrote:
> On 3/7/07, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com> wrote:
> > The problem isn't the entire motherboard, but the PATA/ATAPI controlled.
> >
> > Feisty has the kernel (2.6.20) that will support this controller, so one
> > option would be to install that even though it's still in development.
> It didn't even work in Feisty, for me. I filed a bug report about it,
> though, so maybe it'll work by release. SATA/networking/video/etc.
> worked fine. I understand some of those weren't working well in
> earlier kernels.

I asked someone I know it running Feisty with a 965 how the PATA controller is 
working for him (he's been running Feisty for quite sometime).  The response 
I got was:

"It works. It doesn't work. It works. It doesn't work.

Today, it works."

So don't give up.

Scott K

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