swap partition won't mount

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Sun Mar 4 19:43:44 UTC 2007

Alex Janssen wrote:
> Alex Janssen said the following on 03/04/2007 01:45 PM:
>> Hello to all,
>> Some time back I remember noticing that my swap partition was not being 
>> mounted anymore.  This started after some update had occured.  I've read 
>> the mkswap and swapon manual pages,  checked that the UUID link in 
>> /dev/disk/by-uuid is also in fstab and pointing to the proper partition, 
>> /dev/hdc6 in my case.
> Well, as usual, I jumped to ask the list before finishing my own 
> research.  I finally found the SwapFAQ at 
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq?highlight=%28swapon%29 and 
> followed the instructions under trouble shooting to delete the swap 
> partition and recreate it.  It works!  Maybe someone could give us a 
> hint as to why this would have failed and why this fix works when the 
> system seemd to be setup properly already? Well, maybe this post will 
> help someone else.
> Regards to all,
> Alex

Indeed, thanks, it helps me!! Well I haven't tried it yet, but I've been 
sitting on this problem for the last two weeks. Happens with a laptop I 
have running Feisty. It was running really slowly and had some serious 
crashes, then I noticed that the swap partition wasn't being used. I did 
swapon, noted the UID and compared with fstab, they were different. I 
updated fstab with the new UID and it still didn't get mounted after a 
reboot. I'll read that thingy you sent now though, cheers!

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