network newbie question

Patton Echols p.echols at
Fri Mar 2 06:31:37 UTC 2007

On 03/01/2007 02:07 PM, Wei-Yee Chan wrote:
>> Oh, I'm sure not arguing.  I think we're on the same page.
> I'm sure your not.  But, I just to clarify, your just asking me why I
> reserve a static IP for the Windoze machine, right?
No, not really.  The OP had asked why he could not see a win share from 
his linux box.  You had advised giving the win box a static IP.   I was 
just suggesting that it isn't required to give the win box a static IP 
for the Linux box to see it.  A good idea to be sure, but not required.

I had previously thought "whatever" and never had any real problems with 
dynamic IP peers.  I'm persuaded by your argument though and I'm trying 
to figure out if there is any reason to *not* give the boxes in my home 
net static IPs. 


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