MusicMatch Jukebox-like mp3 player...

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Thu Jun 21 18:48:12 UTC 2007

Darryl LeCount wrote:
>> 	Finds & plays the mp3, but doesn't pull the Genre, Artist, Album from 
>> the mp3 file.
>> 	Rhythmbox v0.8.8...
> Strange. I'm using 0.10.0 but I've been using Rhythmbox for my music
> since Breezy and never had this problem. It's a silly question, I know,
> but can it be that the ID3-Tags aren't written properly? Right click on
> one of the MP3s in Rhythmbox and select Properties. You can check and
> change the tags there (for the record - earlier versions of Rhythmbox
> refused to let you change the tags on OGG files but strangely enough it
> worked with MP3s)
> Darryl

	Well, playing with 0.10 on my Fiesty box, I had to add a plugin to get 
it to work. Now I just need to fiddle with the other box, CentOS 4.5 to 
get 0.8.8 to read the tags. Of course, I like the interface on 10 
better, so I think I'll start by upgrading that one...

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes

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