Why does OpenOffice.org suck worse than MS Office?

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Mon Jun 11 00:56:44 UTC 2007

Bart Silverstrim wrote:

> If the poster truly feels it is so unusable and they cannot state their 
> difficulties or problems or suggestions in a manner that makes sense to 
> others while having no problem saying how much they love an alternative 
> software option, then do what has been recommended countless times 
> before...use that other software.  If they want to actually help others 
> or get help, state the problems and see what can be worked out.

That's a very good point.  Most of my complaint circle around how poorly speech 
recognition works with anything that isn't a very small subset of Microsoft edit 
controls.  But I'll take that to the appropriate left (list).

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