Why does OpenOffice.org suck worse than MS Office?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Sun Jun 10 19:28:42 UTC 2007

Eric S. Johansson wrote:
> Brian Beattie wrote:
>> I'm not sure what to make of this post, it provides insufficient
>> information to qualify as a bug report or enhancement request.  Nor does
>> it provide enough information for one to understand just what the user
>> did to understand where the problem lies.  Maybe this is the first time
>> he has used this tool and does not understand it's strengths and
>> weaknesses.  Since this post lacks any useful information, I guess it's
>> just another troll.
> more likely a genuinely disappointed user.  been there, raged that.  I think 
> his complaints are valid albeit poorly phrased.  as a rule, oss softwares skips 
> usability and polish in favor of features and OO fits that description.  sun is 
> not known for its UI skills

Perhaps a reminder would help that if you have a problem, whining and 
vague references only serve to irritate others when you decide to vent 
on a list aimed at helping people when possible.  This isn't a sounding 

If the poster truly feels it is so unusable and they cannot state their 
difficulties or problems or suggestions in a manner that makes sense to 
others while having no problem saying how much they love an alternative 
software option, then do what has been recommended countless times 
before...use that other software.  If they want to actually help others 
or get help, state the problems and see what can be worked out.


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