Why does OpenOffice.org suck worse than MS Office?

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Sun Jun 10 17:43:16 UTC 2007

Brian Beattie wrote:
> I'm not sure what to make of this post, it provides insufficient
> information to qualify as a bug report or enhancement request.  Nor does
> it provide enough information for one to understand just what the user
> did to understand where the problem lies.  Maybe this is the first time
> he has used this tool and does not understand it's strengths and
> weaknesses.  Since this post lacks any useful information, I guess it's
> just another troll.

more likely a genuinely disappointed user.  been there, raged that.  I think 
his complaints are valid albeit poorly phrased.  as a rule, oss softwares skips 
usability and polish in favor of features and OO fits that description.  sun is 
not known for its UI skills

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