Opinions learning Ubuntu/Kubuntu

Chris ubuntu at eportel.com
Tue Jun 5 01:21:03 UTC 2007

Thanks Cybe,
Hey...ok now, I don't have a clue how installing "rutebook" allowed me
to open this file in a browser?!  What indicated that the file after
downloading was going to be in the
usr/share/doc/rutebook/html/index.html location?  

Thanks by the way for this...it's another weapon in the Linux learning


On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 20:09 -0500, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> Chris <ubuntu at eportel.com>  said:
> > Cybe...I did what you said about installing "rutebook"...but the
> > question is....how and where do I get to it.  How do I use a browser
> > to use it?
> Open a new tab or window in the browser of your choice and enter:
> file://localhost/usr/share/doc/rutebook/html/index.html
> (or just:  /usr/share/doc/rutebook/html/index.html  should do)
> in the address bar.  
> Sorry about not including that before.  It isn't very intuitive, is it?
> Cybe R. Wizard
> -- 
> Nice computers don't go down.
> 	Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
> 		"The Barsoom Project"

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