Opinions learning Ubuntu/Kubuntu

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 5 01:09:23 UTC 2007

Chris <ubuntu at eportel.com>  said:
> Cybe...I did what you said about installing "rutebook"...but the
> question is....how and where do I get to it.  How do I use a browser
> to use it?

Open a new tab or window in the browser of your choice and enter:

(or just:  /usr/share/doc/rutebook/html/index.html  should do)
in the address bar.  
Sorry about not including that before.  It isn't very intuitive, is it?

Cybe R. Wizard
Nice computers don't go down.
	Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
		"The Barsoom Project"

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