Opinions learning Ubuntu/Kubuntu
ubuntu at eportel.com
Mon Jun 4 21:54:47 UTC 2007
Thanks Bruce for the quick response.
My background..ok I own a computer manufacturing and service company
with MS Windows as the primary OS....but I would like to change that. I
would like to offer a Linux based OS as an option on new computers. I
spoke with some other small OEMs that offer Ubuntu and other distro of
Linux and would like to learn as mush as I could about it. We also do
commercial IT work for a few companys and would like to get involved,
evanually and slowly over to Linux on there server to start and then the
workstations..maybe as a "thin-client" system...which I know little
about. I just can't seem to get the information fast enough...and can't
seem to find something that walks me through all the things that every
book seems to assume that you know already.
Suse seemed pretty good...I think I learned a decent amount about
it....but for 9 months I feel that I should know more. The reason for
this is like I said earlier. The books are decent..but there are some
missing steps that I needed to complete a particular step in learn a
specific task...and when the questions came up...I got a lot of smart
ass answers (from the community support) instead of real answers. Also
I get a real bad feeling about the version of Suse that I started on,
which was SLED (Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop) which is supposed to be
the hardened version...and almost bullet proof...acording to Novel. I
talked many time with Novel's tech guys...and after many issues with the
OS and no real answers from Novel...I though it would be a good idea to
check out some other distros...thinking, if this is there "hardened"
version of the OS...I'm worried.
So now to Ubuntu. I want learn it...not as much as a user, but more of
an administrator. Of course I need to learn the user side of it also.
Understanding and being able to really use the command line/terminal end
of the OS and getting into the nity grity is important...but I really
don't know where to start. Some of the commands that worked in Suse
don't work in Ubuntu....like the root user being disabled....?
What do you guys think?
On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 17:33 -0400, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Monday 04 June 2007, Chris wrote:
> > Also, even though I really like KDE should I learn on Kubuntu or
> > should
> > I concentrate on Ubuntu and then after I have a good idea what
> > I'm
> > doing, then go to Kubuntu/
> >
> > I'm an IT professional that is trying to get heavily into
> > Ubuntu/Linux
> > and still having an issue getting a handle on things.
> It might help if you filled us in on your background a bit first. You spent
> 9 months with SuSE is all we know and you might add how well you did with
> that.
> All linux's are pretty much the same, just the admin parts usually differ a
> bit.
> As far as Ubuntu or Kubuntu, they are the same except for the Window manager.
> Kubuntu uses your favorite KDE and Ubuntu uses Gnome.
> So if you pick Kubuntu, you'll have KDE and can learn the behind the scenes
> things beyond that. The behind the scenes stuff is very much the same across
> all *ubuntu's.
> The big difference you will find is that SuSE used RPM's to install packages.
> Ubuntu uses .deb packages. Pretty much the same result, just different
> commands needed to do the job(s).
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