wireless drivers

Colin Brace cb at lim.nl
Tue Jan 30 16:46:11 UTC 2007

On 1/30/07, John Dangler <jdangler at atlantic.net> wrote:

> I've been having no luck at all getting the Dapper version drivers to
> work with static IP, which is what prompted me to look into this in the
> first place.

Are you sure it is an issue with the ipw2100 driver? This sounds more
like a  problem with NetworkManager, which does not (yet) handle
static IPs.

Also, if you don't mind me asking: why do you need a static IP so
badly? DHCP works fine for most situations.

> If it were a bit more stable, I would
> probably move my desktop and laptop to Edgy, but I need them both for
> work and school, meaning that, at this point, stability is key.

I realize a few people have encountered installation issues with Edgy,
but in my experience once installed it is *extremely* stable. However,
it doesn't look like an upgrade would immediately solve your problems
as the ipw2100 driver is likewise listed only as source in the Edgy

  Colin Brace

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