Why is adding a new Ubuntu PC to an existing LAN such a pain?

ruscook ruscook_oz at yahoo.com.au
Sun Jan 21 08:01:38 UTC 2007

John R Cichy wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-01-21 at 00:08 +0000, Bob Adams wrote:
>>> Adding machines to a network without DHCP is _always a pain :) Is there
>>> a special reason why you use static addresses?
>> Because I do not have a DHCP server and also because I want to use the
>> same addresses as my Windows PC's.
> I hope you mean the same subnet, or that the windows machines are
> powered down when the Ubuntu machines are running (though still can't be
> sure why you would do this except in a dual-boot situation). Two
> computers can NOT share IP's on the network. That would be like you
> sharing the same phone number with your neighbor.
> John 
However if you have dual-boot machines and you want each OS to have the 
same address then that's easier to do in DHCP than in each OS 
separately. You put the MAC address of the machine in the DHCP config 
file. So when it hands out leases it ALWAYS hands the same IP to the 
same machine irrespective of what OS it booted under. If you use bind or 
distribute your 'hosts' file around you can then use the same name for 
each PC and will all just 'work'.

Running a DHCP server has virtually no overhead other than learning the 
config file. So if you have a machine that is  always on and it runs 
Ubuntu then you can put DHCP on this fairly easily.

Kind Regards Russell
Linux user #369094

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