Puzzling over bastille install

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at tampabay.rr.com
Sat Jan 20 06:01:35 UTC 2007

Brian Lunergan wrote:

> Evening:
> Used Synaptic to install Bastille, and left with a couple of puzzles.
> 1) No menu item installed. Supposed to happen that way? Not a big
> point as I suppose I could just use the menu editor to add an entry
> under System Tools or Admin.
> 2) When I type bastille into a terminal window it grumps about not
> finding a Perl Tk module needed for the interface to run. If a
> graphic form is available I'd prefer to go that route. The error
> gives a URL where the file can presumably be found, but I have no
> idea which file I'm in need of or where to drop it in when and if I
> do find it. Suggestions, anyone?

The Perl Tk or GTK modules are what will provide the graphic interface
you're looking for. According to the Bastille web site it can use
libgtk-perl or perl-tk. Both of those can be found in the Universe
repository along with Bastille, but don't resolve as a dependency so
they're not "forced". I'm assuming that means Bastille has some sort of
other interface available. Probably curses (bastille-curses ??), but
I've never used it.

Anyway, if you go back into Synaptic, search for Bastille and *right*
click on it, you'll see a couple extra options towards the bottom of
that menu. One is "Suggested", the other is "Recommended". libgtk-perl
and perl-tk are on the "Recommended" menu. 

Or of course you could always just search for libgtk-perl or perl-tk
and install that way. There's a couple other options listed in the
context menu for Bastille though. Acct (accounting and logging) and
psad (port scan detection) are also useful. FWIW, if you have a choice
I'd go with libgtk-perl over perl-tk. In general the interface should be
more "polished". :)

> I know the Bastille website does have a deb package to download and
> install. Would that have been a better idea then what's listed in
> Synaptic? Should I back the Synaptic install out, get the other one
> and put it in instead?

I doubt the deb install from Bastille would have done anything
differently, except maybe not installed any "real" dependencies
Synaptic installed. ;)

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