Final missing pieces

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Mon Jan 8 18:50:53 UTC 2007

On Mon, 08 Jan 2007 12:53:14 -0500 John Dangler <jdangler at> 
>I've been running Ubuntu 5.10 and now 6.06 LTS on my desktop, laptop,
>and server.  I decided to switch off of M$ for a variety of reasons, and
>have been thoroughly happy to date (about 98%).  I do still keep a M$
>box in the house, though, since there are some annoying (albeit minor)
>What remains for me at this point to be in a position to say that I
>would _never_ have a reason to see a windoze box again are the
>(1) Printer.  I would prefer an all-in-one, but a printer.  I don't mind
>configuring and loading drivers, but something that works consistently.
I have an HP3380 connected to my network with a Jet Direct box that has worked 
consistently with Kubuntu Dapper/Edgy, opensuse, and Xandros.  Easy to 
configure too.

Scott K

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