x2x or other program

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Jan 4 22:52:09 UTC 2007

Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:

> > > VNC is painfully slow and insecure (unless encapsulated inside a
> > > SSH tunnel).
> >
> > I've been mulling over some VPN/SSH/RA/Forwarding type solutions
> > for my own home user level needs, and I'd just like a nit picky bit
> > of a clarification on the above.
> >
> > Should there be a coma after "slow", or does SSH tunneling somehow
> > affect the performance of VNC in addition to the obvious security
> > benefits? :)
> I should have said: "VNC is painfully slow, and insecure too (unless
> encapsulated inside a SSH tunnel)". VNC is slow by itself, and even
> slower when tunneled through SSH since SSH imposes some performance
> penalty due to encryption (and compression). I suggest you trying out
> NX/FreeNX as it's free and open.

I was 99.99% certain that's what you meant, but then I thought back to
my 300 baud modem "roots" and remembered how the addition of
compression to that equation actually made transferring (some) files
faster if they were left uncompressed. How the extra overhead of "dumb"
hardware compression could even slow things down in total, if the data
were previously and tightly compressed.

Thanks for the clarification... :)

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