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Brandon Blackwell ubuntunews at
Thu Jan 4 22:30:59 UTC 2007

Jamie wrote:
> There are still a few small (or maybe not so small)
reasons that I have
> not switched entirely to Ubuntu:
> 1.   Speed - Windows is consistently faster in
Internet access and screen
> redraws than Ubuntu is. I am using the Nvidia binary
drivers in Ubuntu and
> my NIC chows to be running at 100/Full so cannot
understand the difference
> in speeds of either thing.
I find Linux to be much faster in these categories so
I don't understand 
what your problem is here.
> 2.   Font 'quality' - the rendering of screen fonts
in Windows seems a lot
> clearer than those in Ubuntu. Given that I spend a
*huge* amount of time
> looking at my computer screen (19" LCD) this is of
importance to me. The
> only thing I not of real difference is that for some
reason Ubuntu wants
> to drive my LCD at 75HZ rather than 60HZ and I have
not found any way to
> change this as yet - any suggestions appreciated.
If your using dapper I would agree but the Edgy fonts
look much easier 
on the eyes in my opinion. Can can install the

sudo apt-get msttcorefonts

> 3.   DTP - I have quite a number of MS Publisher
documents that I'd like
> to be able to work on in Ubuntu. Research to this
point shows that this is
> not possible (without Crossover or Wine to run
Publisher in Linux). This I
> think is just going to be a "suck it and see"
situation, if I can do
> everything else I'll just have to recreate to
documents in Scribus or
> similar.
> The first two things are the things I'd really like
to find solutions to
> and anyone who can point me in the right direction
to "speed things up"
> and "fix my fonts" would be fantastic.
> Cheers
> Jamie (ex. Gentoo'er, now an Ubuntu'er)

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