No subject

Martin Marcher martin.marcher at
Fri Jan 5 08:06:42 UTC 2007


Am 04.01.2007 um 22:51 schrieb Jamie:

> 1.   Speed - Windows is consistently faster in Internet access and  
> screen
> redraws than Ubuntu is. I am using the Nvidia binary drivers in  
> Ubuntu and
> my NIC chows to be running at 100/Full so cannot understand the  
> difference
> in speeds of either thing.

can you define "faster Internet access" a little better. I do  
consistently have a better network experience with linux or bsd.  
Which especially shows when using scp. On the rare occassion I do  
really have to use windows winscp is about 20 to 30 percent slower  
than when I copy stuff with windows.

About the screen stuff, seems to be a driver Problem, never had a  
nvidia card and I'm trying to avoid nvidia as well as ati (not a  
gamer so I don't need to spend extra money).


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