Lotus Notes (4.5 perhaps newer) as standalone mailer with Ubuntu 7.10 & ff ???

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Mon Dec 10 21:00:41 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 04:44 +0800, SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux wrote:
> Well, I already tried a download of Lotus Notes 8 (Trial) and its
> 449MB !?

4.x versions weren't light on resources either :)

> I also investigated and researched in their forums:
> The results do not sound very well regarding Ubuntu !
> They, IBM, tends more to Redhat & SUSE's Linux's !!

Did people relate any experiences of failure on Ubuntu, or where there
specific reasons given why it wouldn't work on Ubuntu? Otherwise I'd
assume it works, they just _support only RH and Suse. You could also ask
IBM about Ubuntu support, at least you'd let them know that there are
interested people .

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