Lotus Notes (4.5 perhaps newer) as standalone mailer with Ubuntu 7.10 & ff ???

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux i-ubux at synass.net
Tue Dec 11 03:02:38 UTC 2007

TQ for your feedback !
Answered into your text below:

On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 22:00 +0100, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 04:44 +0800, SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux wrote:
> > Well, I already tried a download of Lotus Notes 8 (Trial) and its
> > 449MB !?
> 4.x versions weren't light on resources either :)

YEAH, all is relative !
At their time they were bigger than everting too !!
But are worth best: More than 10 years troubleless duty 
even serving as (very special non Domino connected) 
stand alone PIM, not alone mailer only, under OS/2 Warp !!!

Well, a bit oversized for a one man show but genial ;-))

> > I also investigated and researched in their forums:
> > The results do not sound very well regarding Ubuntu !
> > They, IBM, tends more to Redhat & SUSE's Linux's !!

IBM still seats on a high horse back and 
strongly tend to business products only !

May be Ubuntu needs some more users and 
power to be noticed by this giant enterprise !? 

> Did people relate any experiences of failure on Ubuntu, or where there
> specific reasons given why it wouldn't work on Ubuntu? Otherwise I'd
> assume it works, they just _support only RH and Suse. You could also ask
> IBM about Ubuntu support, at least you'd let them know that there are
> interested people .

Well, I have one more reason not to stick to this now:
As an Ubuntu greenhorn on my first Ubuntu 7.10 installation since
October 2007 
I am still silently experimenting with my new OS !
My plans after getting more familiar to reinstall Ubuntu somewhat
than the present single partition / swap partition environment i.e.
splitting HOME explicitly into its OWN partition and may be something 
else recommended from more experienced users in this forum !?

Cheers, svobi

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