Give grandma the right reasons to use Ubuntu

hans User gorlin at
Fri Dec 7 11:26:07 UTC 2007

M. Fioretti wrote:
> On Fri, December 7, 2007 10:38 am, andy baxter wrote:
>> niel wrote:
>>>> Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on
>>>> how software is used *around* you:
>>> Pls find another mailing liste :-)
>> Why?? The list name is 'ubuntu-users' not
>> 'ubuntu-tech-support-and-nothing-else'. I found this site interesting
>> and useful, and I'm glad he posted it, even if he did help write it.
>> Would you feel the same way if he had posted a link to a site he'd found
>> but didn't write himself?
>> andy.
> Thanks to Andy for his support. For the record, I did not "help write it"
> I am the only author of both the book and the website, with
> the obvious exception of comments in the forums.
> This said, I had already explained at the very beginning of the initial
> message what is my part in those projects, and I had also explicitly
> said that what matters, FOSS-wise, is not to buy my book (which of course
> would make me happy, what's so surprising about it) but to adopt the
> same strategy, something which everybody could do without ever sending
> me one cent or acknowledging my whole existence.
> As a matter of fact, at this point it would be interesting (and much more
> useful to all Ubuntu users and FOSS advocates) if Niel could explain why
> exactly he didn't like what I wrote. In other words: is it simply the fact
> that I am the author of a book which addresses the "bring linux to
> grandma" issue?
> Or do the theses and suggestions I presented look inherently wrong/dumb/
> whatever, no matter who wrote them?
> Any feedback is welcome!
> Marco Fioretti
Well i will not give Linux to gradma, i was at Linux for 13 years ago, 
and now in to Ununtu..but just nothing have happed still to much problem 
for a beginner.

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