Gutsy speed

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Fri Dec 7 06:16:29 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 00:01 +0100, Loïc Martin wrote:
> If I install only a default Ubuntu English install (no other language,
> default font size) it's around 1'20.

I boot in around 40 sec to gdm on a (new) laptop.

> However, I've never seen such a slow boot with other distros (talking 
> about the boot with scim + 14 size fonts). And Windows XP use to boot
> in 
> 43 sec,

And I haven't seen such a slow boot with Ubuntu either, neither version.
In fact, all my Ubuntus have always booted faster than my Windowses.

By the way, after logging into Windows, it takes ca. 1.5 minutes until
it has finished starting stuff and is fully functional. I have tested
this on a range of machines for work reasons.

>  then less than 2 for Firefox (dog slow on Ubuntu)

You need more than 2 secs to launch FF in Ubuntu?

>  and less than 
> 5 sec for OO.
Ca. 6 secs for me in Ubuntu

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