How do we get out / rid of initramfs ???

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux i-ubux at
Tue Dec 4 02:59:18 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 11:34 +1000, Ken McLennan wrote:
> G'day there Svobi,
>     It certainly sounds like you've been through the wars!!!
>     I dunno what LinPUS has done to your hard drive, but I don't like 
> the sound of it. Until your post I'd not even heard of it. I don't think 
> I want to hear about it any further, either!
>     Hopefully once your machine is returned you can get another one 
> without the restrictions and difficulties that this one had. It's 
> worthwhile persisting with Ubuntu 7.10 as it's a very good OS. Having 
> said that, it shouldn't take that much persistance as it should just 
> install straight out of the box and it seems to me that it mostly does.
> Take care
> Good luck
> Ken McLennan
> Qld, Australia

Hi Ken,
YEAH, with long years in IT I was able to fight like a poweruser ! ;-)
Another one had changed straightaway to M$ Win's monopoly !! ;-(

The seller knows my friend and as a pro s/he should not have sold that
specific system to him !! The wallet seems more important than one more
(very good) customer !!

Very disappointing !!!

My 5 years old Thinkpad T30 works like a charm with Ubuntu 7.10 ;-)
After more than 12 yrs with OS/2 Warp I slowly checking alternatives to
switch from as I avoid/boycott M$ whenever possible ;-O

Even today's Linux's cannot compete with OS/2's WPS (WorkPlaceShell) and
its genial functions and workings !!!

Already in the 80-ies I was having and working with Unix's ;-)
Not as power but normal user with some better IT background ;-))
Ubuntu today is a very big difference from that time !!!

As for LinPUS:
I also never heard of it before I got to learn with this machine !
I also fully agree with you statement rest about it !!
Just keep in mind and avoid it !!!

Hava cool day there in down under and cheers, 

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