How do we get out / rid of initramfs ???

Ken McLennan kenrmcl at
Tue Dec 4 01:34:27 UTC 2007

G'day there Svobi,

    It certainly sounds like you've been through the wars!!!

    I dunno what LinPUS has done to your hard drive, but I don't like 
the sound of it. Until your post I'd not even heard of it. I don't think 
I want to hear about it any further, either!

    Hopefully once your machine is returned you can get another one 
without the restrictions and difficulties that this one had. It's 
worthwhile persisting with Ubuntu 7.10 as it's a very good OS. Having 
said that, it shouldn't take that much persistance as it should just 
install straight out of the box and it seems to me that it mostly does.

Take care
Good luck
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia

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