How do we get out / rid of initramfs ???

Ken McLennan kenrmcl at
Sun Dec 2 21:51:07 UTC 2007

G'day there Svobi,
> Why is this initramfs prompt STOPPING us from the regular Ubuntu login
> screen and how do we overcome it ???
> Any hints are very welcome ;-))
> Cheers, svobi

    I just found this thread, so I hope I may still be of some small help.

    I found myself with an initramfs prompt awhile ago when I was 
installing Elive. I was setting up a triple boot - Elive; Ubuntu 7.04; 
Vista - and using Grub bootloader from the Elive install (it's much 
prettier but works the same). I have my Ubuntu '/boot' on a separate 
partition to '/' and got the kernel parameters wrong in menu.lst. The 
initramfs then couldn't find the '/boot' partition and I was dropped 
into a shell.

    Perhaps you have something similar in your setup? In the parts of 
the thread I have here there's nothing to say whether Ubuntu is the only 
OS, nor how your partitions are setup. I can verify that if the initial 
ram disk files can't locate the '/boot' partition then you'll see this 
prompt. At least it's something to check out.

See ya
Good luck
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia

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