status of Xen in future Gutsy

Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby mihamina.rakotomandimby at
Fri Aug 31 21:30:31 UTC 2007

Does someone know the status of Xen in the future Gutsy?
I see these:
and so on.

(1) is still i386 only.

I have a quite heavy CPU (Core 2 Duo T7500) and would be happy to use it 
for virtualisation and gutsy as dom0.
I would also be happy to try to compile what is still missing for amd64 
but I am not very clever and will probably need help. Therefore I would 
need to be able to write on -devel but I did not find where to ask 
writing permission in there. Would you know?

Thank you.

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