Oo bugs in Feisty

jack jdangler at terremark.com
Fri Aug 31 17:05:34 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-08-31 at 12:50 -0400, Tommy Trussell wrote:
> On 8/31/07, jack <jdangler at terremark.com> wrote:
> > Oddly enough, in synaptic there are a few basic
> > packages that show as *installed* , but using the CLI with apt-get
> -s
> > install, the response says *will install...* and lists the same
> packages
> > (not sure why - maybe because of the -s arg), and a lot of
> additional
> > packages that I would have thought were installed with the original
> > installation.  Maybe a default kubuntu install doesn't actually
> install
> > a complete Oo.
> maybe the installation didn't complete.
> Try opening a terminal window and type these two commands (each may
> take some time to complete):
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
> If you get any errors on either of those commands, there could be a
> problem with your network connection or in your configuration.

No problems or errors with either of the above commands.  This
installation has been running ok for about 5 months.  Fresh install of
7.04 done in late April.  All updates have been installed along the way.
Recently noticed a couple of bugs in Oo (mail merge, etc) that were
confirmed in launchpad, and a work-around I found on Launchpad in one or
two cases said that re-installing fixed part of the problem
(mail-merge).  Since I need to use this feature for a school project, I
thought I'd look into a re-install.  The kubuntu install doesn't use the
*full blown* oo install listed in synaptic; instead it just installs
writer, impress, and calc, and uses kexi for databases.  The full blown
version seems to show oo for gnome in there as well (which I probably
don't need or want, since that would really bloat this installation).

Maybe just uninstalling what I have here, and then re-installing only
those components would do the trick? (I need to come up with a workable
solution since I use this laptop for work and really need to have office
working consistently...)

Thanks for the replies - I really am appreciating the help!

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