Oo bugs in Feisty

H.S. hs.samix at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 18:55:18 UTC 2007

jack wrote:
> I sent a msg to the list, but I can't seem to find it...
> Oo is seriously borking all of a sudden...
> I did find a couple of references in launchpad that mentioned
> re-installing this.  To that end, I open a shell window and type
> (sudo) apt-get -s install Openoffice*
> The response is (as you may guess) a long list.  However, this list is
> actually an exhaustive list of every possible openoffice package in the
> repo's... _including_ what I already have installed with the base
> kubuntu 7.04 ...
> I'm not sure why this is, but -

In a terminal, what does the following give?
$> sudo apt-get -s -f install


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