Logitech Quickcam
Patton Echols
p.echols at comcast.net
Thu Aug 9 08:08:19 UTC 2007
On 08/08/2007 11:22 PM, Thomas Kaiser wrote:
> Patton Echols wrote:
>> On 08/08/2007 10:37 AM, Thomas Kaiser wrote:
>>> Patton Echols wrote:
>>>> On 08/08/2007 04:36 AM, Thomas Kaiser wrote:
>>>>> Patton Echols wrote:
>>>>>> I am attempting to install a Logitech "QuickCam Deluxe for Notebooks"
>>>> This looks like I need a UVC Driver, yes?
>>> This looks like the UVC Driver did recognize the cam. No need to install any
>>> driver anymore ;-)
>>>> The cam is also listed on the uvc page you sited, so that seems a
>>>> definitive answer. Thanks for your help
>>> Your cam is supported by UVC driver. Use luvcview
>>> http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca50x/Investigation/uvc/luvcview-20070512.tar.gz
>>> to test the cam.
>>> Most viewer application not (yet) able to use V4L2 devices :-( What is the
>>> desired use of this cam?
>> Main purpose is to be able to vid confer with my kid who is going to
>> college 3,000 miles away from home. I was thinking ekiga. Naturally,
>> once I have it, I'll do other stuff too.
>> Even if the applications don't work, shouldn't the correct driver itself
>> turn on the camera? Or does the driver not turn on the cam until it
>> gets a call from the application?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Patton
> Hey Patton
> You need the SDL development package installed.
> "sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev" should do the trick.
> After that run "make" again. And if you don't get an error, run "sudo make install".
> Run "luvcview -h" to see the options you can specify.
Right, I was able to find that by some judicious googling. I also
didn't have "build-essential" installed, don't know whether required,
but I did both and now the cam is working for luvcview.
> ekgia seems to be compatible with V4L2, but I can not test because I don't have
> a cam which has a V4L2 driver yet :-(
Well, the configuration druid says so, but then gives an error message:
"Your driver doesn't seem to support any of the color formats supported
by Ekiga.
Please check your kernel driver documentation in order to determine
which Palette is supported."
So far, google has not been my friend on this one. The Linux UVC page
has one note that ekiga 2.0.3 does not work, guess which one is in the
repositories. I may try uninstalling the repository versions and
installing the version from the Ekiga website, which is 2.0.9. They
also have an updated libpt-plugins-w4l2 package . . .
Not tonight though.
Thanks again for your help
> Did you try to use ekgia to get a picture from the cam?
Yeah, as I said, it don't work.
> And what do you mean with "shouldn't the correct driver itself turn on the
> camera?", the camera gets its power from the USB socket and is turned on as soon
> as you plug it in. Video streaming starts only if an application asks for a stream.
Right, I decided that was a dumb comment right after clicking send.
What I meant by "turned on" was the little LED showing that the camera
was working. While there is power to the unit when plugged in, it's not
"on" ie streaming, until some application calls for it.
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