weather panel app can't get weather

Donald D Henson wepin at
Sun Aug 5 10:57:00 UTC 2007

Jimmy Wu wrote:
> Hi all,
> Do any of you use the weather report panel app in Gnome? 
> I added it to my panel, set the preferences to my location, but it for
> some reason, it can't get any weather info.  It doesn't display an
> error, but rather remains in a perpetual "updating..." state.  I have
> a working internet connection (I'm sending this email off my Ubuntu
> box right now). 
> Would appreciate any suggestions.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jimmy
> Update: I just checked the app, and it contains forecast information
> and the radar map, but still no current conditions.
I use it. No problems. It's a pretty simple app. Have you tried
restarting the x-server?

Donald D. Henson, Managing Director
West El Paso Information Network
The "Non-Initiation of Force Principle" Rules

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