Backup across multiple DVD's

Dave M DaveM at Mich.Com
Thu Aug 2 16:20:52 UTC 2007

At 03:24 PM 8/2/2007 , you wrote:
>On 08/02/2007 03:54 AM, Dave M wrote:
> > At 04:06 AM 8/2/2007 , Rashkae wrote:
> >>I also found the
> >>DAR util: so I plan on exploring that a bit
> >>more as well.
> >
> > If you prefer using a GUI, look at KDAR. It is a GUI front end for DAR. It
> > can do the backups (burned to DVD using the script) or it can create and
> > export a DAR command with the parameters you chose using the GUI.
> >
> >
>Cool! Thanks Dave. I was looking at Kdar, but it appears that it's not
>been updated since 2005 & is no longer in the repos. So I was a little
>hesitant to try to use that as a front end for DAR.

I am sorry to hear that they dropped it. It is a nice front end to Dar. 
Makes doing ad-hoc backups much easier. It is a simple program and as far 
as I can tell it works. So that is probably why there isn't much activity 
on it. Hopefully the powers that be will see fit to return it to the repos. 
by the next LTS release of Ubuntu. I have been using it with Dapper and 
have not found a better alternative.

Dave M
Davem (at) Mich (dot) Com
Ann Arbor, Mich. USA

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