Backup across multiple DVD's

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Aug 2 04:06:14 UTC 2007

On 08/01/2007 08:26 PM, Rashkae wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> Anyone have a good utility or advise for performing a system backup
>> across multiple DVD's? I've tried simplebackup & K3b but neither of
>> those seem to allow backing up to more than one DVD. I have about 30GB
>> that I'm trying to save - standard /home /etc directories.
> Do you have enough free harddrive space to store a compressed copy of 
> your backup set?  I just use tar, split and growisofs (or k3b, if you 
> prefer).
> Examples:
> tar -C / -xj home | split -b 2000m - /somewhere/
> Then I use regular dvd burning utils to burn the resulting files to 
> disc, two files per disc.
> It's not as elegant as auto-backup software, but it's very reliable.. I 
> don't need any special software to restore if I ever have too, the 
> backups are near universal.
> Note that if you're backing up /home like this, you'll have to find 
> somewhere outside of home to store the backup files, or use tar command 
> options to exclude the directory where you put them.

Only 12GB left on the drive, but using your tar example I can do bits at
a time -thanks! I'm doing a test burn now using just regular copy to DVD
just to make sure that the write is working properly. I also found the
DAR util: so I plan on exploring that a bit
more as well. Someone gave me a stack of 50 DVD's so I've plenty of
media to experiment with :-)

Thanks again.

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