Backup across multiple DVD's
Dave M
DaveM at Mich.Com
Thu Aug 2 10:54:17 UTC 2007
At 04:06 AM 8/2/2007 , Rashkae wrote:
>I also found the
>DAR util: so I plan on exploring that a bit
>more as well.
If you would like to use Dar, the attached script will help with burning
the DVD's. Dar will run the script each time a slice is ready to burn. This
script will also verify that the slice was burned properly. It can also
make a Dar catalog, parity file or redundant copy of the dar slice. If your
data is valuable then it is a good idea to have redundancy. DVD media is
fragile and read errors are common.
If you prefer using a GUI, look at KDAR. It is a GUI front end for DAR. It
can do the backups (burned to DVD using the script) or it can create and
export a DAR command with the parameters you chose using the GUI.
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Dave M
Davem (at) Mich (dot) Com
Ann Arbor, Mich. USA
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