Is Feisty's LDAP different?

Zach uid000 at
Thu Aug 2 01:04:43 UTC 2007

On 8/1/07, Brian Fahrlander <brian at> wrote:
>      Under Dapper, with what I hope is the exact same settings, I got
> great performance from all workstations.  Now, with Feisty on this one,
> I wait up to a minute for Feisty's LDAP to do....something...and bring
> up Firefox. Thunderbird, and Gaim.
>      The LDAP database has like 20 entries. It's not like a non-indexed
> search of the tree would cover a lot of ground.  I'm on the same hub as
> the server, on 100-base-T connection....about 3 feet away.
>      Yeah, I have an index on the "People" sections, as indicated by the
> howtos I followed during the setup.  But I can't help but think some
> default must have changed in Feisty, something that I can't see.  The
> new nss-ldap package (if I'm remembering it correctly) now has all sorts
> of special options, some of which relate to Solaris, some
> ActiveDirectory, and others to Novell; I didn't see them before, but it
> still worked before.
>      If you're using LDAP under Feisty, let's compare notes, aye?

I actually haven't had any problems.  I'm not using it on a large
scale, but, then you aren't either.

You might turn logging for slapd (or whatever ldap server you're
using) and tail the log as you attempt to "do sutff."  It may be
worthwhile to put tcpdump on the wire and actually see what/how much
is going back and forth.

Zach C

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