Best python editor ???

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Sat Sep 23 19:01:10 UTC 2006

On 9/23/06, Constantine Evans <constantine at> wrote:
> Waqas Toor wrote:
> > Hi ubuntuers ..
> > i am just a newbie to python and want to jump on it. now as i am a C#
> > and Java programmer i was just curious if python has some mature
> > editor i mean with runtime docs and intellisense like Jbuilder ,
> > eclipse or ... is there any editor available ??? i mean a light weight
> > editor ... with these functionalities or atleast intellisense enabled
> > ????
> > i know about blue fish ... but i wanted a multi plateform editor
> > because i have to test on both envs ... i mean on linux and windows
> > any suggestions ???
> >
> > P.S intellisense is a must
> >
> Asking about editors for programming in Unix is a bit like asking people
> about what religion they think is best.


I use emacs for python programming. It has a decent python mode,
allowing you to jump to the definition of a function or method and the
ability to run the interpreter in a window, for example. However,
like vim and its variants, it would take a while before you learn it
well enough to get a real productivity boost over something simpler,
like Idle.

And, for full disclosure, I'm also Catholic, with additional warm
feelings toward Buddhism, Judaism and paganism...

> That said, you should try Vim 7.0 (you probably want GVim). It now has
> Intellisense-like completion which works with a variety of languages,
> including Python, though I have never used it.
> It is also lightweight, and highly multiplatform - it runs on Unix, DOS,
> Windows (3.1 and up, and CE), AmigaOS, OS/2, Mac OS X and Classic, a
> bunch of PDA OS's, OpenVMS, and a few others. Vim is installed by
> default in nearly all Linux distributions, and in OSX 10.3.

I believe in Dapper, by default, you have to apt-get install emacs.
It's available in many distributions, and Mac OS X.


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