firefox profilemanager

Stephan Vissers vissers_itm at
Tue Sep 12 04:12:24 UTC 2006


I try to change my firefox profile because my current one is on my desktop and that looks not so nice with all kinds of firefox icons on it. Firefox works all fine. First I tried to reinstall but than got the warning that with deleting this stuff it would have impact on other applications, so didn't do that. Then I found some stuff on internet and I tried to do:

root at www:/etc/firefox# firefox -profilemanager

(firefox-bin:12778): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

And no window of the profile manager is opened at all. Nothing happens.

If I try it from other folders e.g. the root I get:
root at www:/# ./firefox -profilemanager
bash: ./firefox: No such file or directory

What is going on? And how to get this fixed?

Cheers, Stephan

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