Problem installing ubuntu

Jensen, John T j.jensen at
Tue Sep 5 18:03:23 UTC 2006

Message: 10
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 14:26:21 +0100
From: marc <gmane at>
Subject: RE: Problem installing ubuntu
To: ubuntu-users at
Message-ID: <MPG.1f6755824e5cc0a398987e at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Jensen, John T said...

> Thanks, Tod.  I have tried another CD drive, same deal.  Of course
> could have problems :-(

Best not to top-post, because now we've lost the thread.

Anyway, I've had this - or similar - with Debian a few kernels back. 
There I had to do a kernel rebuild. I'd suggest ensuring that your BIOS 
is the latest, and if that doesn't work, to report a bug.


[jj] Point taken :-)

[jj] I'll check on BIOS, then - though I seem to recall getting it as
up-to-date as Dell had, recently.  I've had no difficulty with this
machine until this happened.


John Thayer Jensen,
System Administrator, Digital Services,
The University of Auckland Business School

Room 256, 15 Wynyard Street

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