ntp problems on dapper/edgy
lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 17:36:36 UTC 2006
Very informative. Thanks.
So far I tried using different NTP servers and switching from
Firstarter as my firewall to Shorewall (though I know the firewall
wasn't blocking the packets. I've been using firestarter for a long
time in the other boxes as well).
Now the time seems to be regular. The only thing I did was that I set
the time by hand using "date -s 'HH::MM'" everytime I saw the time was
off by too many seconds (say a few minutes). After 30 min or so of
doing that, I saw that in ntpq the servers had + and * in front of the
lines, indicating that at least they were talking to e/a other and the
time server on the local box was not skewed by too much.
If the problem persists, I'll try your suggestions. I also think there
is a hardware problem on this computer. Though this is a Pentium 4
box, not AMD.
Thanks for the information nonetheless.
On 9/1/06, Henk Koster <H.A.J.Koster at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 16:08:03 -0400, Luis wrote:
> > I've been having a problem with the time of a computer that keeps
> > going faster than it should be. [snip]
> Could be a lot of things, especially (but not only) with AMD processors.
> You could experiment with kernel boot options, like "noapictimer" or
> "noapic" or "nolapic", alone or in combination with "acpi=off".
> Using another timer algorithm might also work, like the kernel
> boot option "clock=pit".
> And then in /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh you could specify
> HWCLOCKPARS="--directisa" (with the quotes), which prevents calls
> to the RTC (chip) timer.
> I don't think your problem originates in ntpd...
Luis Mondesi
*NIX Guru
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