diagnosing possible hardware problem
glgxg at mfire.com
Sat Oct 14 05:03:46 UTC 2006
Felix Miata wrote:
> I tried to do something like that early on. I downloaded the edgy beta DVD
> iso, verified it, and loop mounted it on my server. But, I never could find
> usable instructions on how to tell the Ubuntu installer how to use an nfs
> source, either the raw iso, or a loop mounted iso. All I did find was
> inferences that it should be doable that way. I subsequently asked where to
> find such instruction on the ubuntu-devel list (4 days ago) but never got a
> useful response. Anyone here know?
Not me, I've not attempted a network install yet. Perhaps these links
might (or might not) be helpful:
Either way I'd be interested in knowing what you end up doing. I have a
situation where I'll need to install 10 remote machines in the next few
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