Default Resolution on new (edgy) install

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Thu Oct 12 22:51:04 UTC 2006

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:08:24 -0500
"David Berg" <drberg1000 at> wrote:

> Now I know I can go through and hand edit the "Screen" Section of
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf but this doesn't seem to fit with user-friendly
> Ubuntu.  Did I perhaps miss something in the installation procedure?
> Is there a dialog that I'm missing to enable the higher resolution?
> Or are users just expected to know how to change this?

Probably the monitor detection decided that was the "optimum" resolution
and sync rate ( mine does this too, since the optimum sync rate for my CRT
is higher for 1024x768 , but 1280x1024 is possible ) .

Not quite "user friendly", but you can change  this by running

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Accept the defaults, except for the resolution question - when you come to
that question, select 1280x1024 with the space bar to add it to the
others, which will have a " * " next to them. Once that resolution is made
available, it will show up in the Gnome options under "System -
Preferences - Screen Resolution" .

This will show after you have restarted X - either the brutal way with "
ctrl -alt - backspace "  ;-) or by logging out and in from Gnome ( or by
restarting  X with  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart  )


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