New to Linux and Ubuntu

Felix Miata mrmazda at
Fri Oct 6 21:28:24 UTC 2006

On 06/10/06 17:03 (GMT-0400) maisooru at apparently typed:

> I am Vivek. I know only a little about computers. I am very new to Linux. I have been using Microsoft Windows for quite some time.

Linux can help you fix that problem.

> I want to install Ubuntu on my system (for home use only). I wanted help regarding installation and usage.
> Is Ubuntu the correct choice for a home PC (if not, can you please suggest some other Linux OS)?

It's a good choice, as are others like Kubuntu, and if you have kids,
Edubuntu. Xandros and SUSE and Mandriva are all good too.

> Can I use both Windows and Ubuntu together?

Of course, but at the same time is somewhat complicated and better left for
after you a bit familiar with Linux.

> I have a Ubuntu installation CD, can anybody give me an overall picture of the installation process?

Check out these:

> How do I play mp3 and video files on Ubuntu?

Pretty much that same way as on windoz.

> PS: My system has 915GV Intel Chipset, 256 MB RAM, 3.06 GHz processor speed, and 80 GB hard disk.

If you have questions those URLs don't answer, feel free to ask them here.
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him,
and I am helped."				Psalm 28:7 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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