New to Linux and Ubuntu

Gilles Gravier Gilles at
Fri Oct 6 21:18:27 UTC 2006

Hi, Vivek!

maisooru at wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Vivek. I know only a little about computers. I am very new to 
> Linux. I have been using Microsoft Windows for quite some time.
> I want to install Ubuntu on my system (for home use only). I wanted 
> help regarding installation and usage.
>    1. Is Ubuntu the correct choice for a home PC (if not, can you
>       please suggest some other Linux OS)?
Yes. Definitely. It's a great, very easy to use, OS!
>    1. Can I use both Windows and Ubuntu together?
Sort of. They can be on the same disk... but you either boot one... or 
the other... You can reboot to change OS. In fact, see below...
>    1. I have a Ubuntu installation CD, can anybody give me an overall
>       picture of the installation process?
Make sure your disk has some free unpartitionned space... if not, you 
need to defrag your Windows disk, and resize the Windows partition... 
using any available partition resizer.... there are free and commercial 
ones available. Ubuntu has qtparted which does that well.

Once you have free unpartitionned space on your hard disk, boot the 
Ubuntu CD (Use version 6.06 or 6.06.1)... It will run as a live CD. Make 
sure you test your audio, graphics, network... to see that all the 
hardware of your PC is supported.

Once you are happy that Ubuntu runs fine in LiveCD mode, there is an 
icon on your screen that says "install"... double click on it and follow 
the instructions. You will have the opportunity to have Ubuntu installed 
next to Windows with a boot selector menu that will enable you to select 
at boot time which OS to boot in. Very simple.
>    1. How do I play mp3 and video files on Ubuntu?
There are multiple video and audio players on Ubuntu. Just pick the one 
that you prefer. :) XMMS, Totem, Mplayer ... and then some classics like 
RealPlayer also are available.

Hope this helps!


> Can anybody help?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Vivek B.V.
> PS: My system has 915GV Intel Chipset, 256 MB RAM, 3.06 GHz processor 
> speed, and 80 GB hard disk.
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