edgy: xen doesn't boot

Matt Price matt.price at utoronto.ca
Thu Oct 5 22:37:34 UTC 2006


I'm trying to get xen running in edgy following the wiki guide at
http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy .  I'm having trouble booting the
kernel; boot process hangs on "Begin: waiting for root filesystem",

 by a bunch of harmless looking messages about USB, but no further
progress is made.  I've tried appending various "root=" boot parameters
(root=/dev/sda5 and root=UUID=2ef5a2dd-1703-47cf-87ae-36a8645c15c8 , the
latter being the assignment given to all my automagic entries by grub
itself); none of them makes any difference.  Has anyone else seen this
behaviour and/or does anyone have any solutions?


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