A wallpaper missing

janne.jokitalo at dnainternet.net janne.jokitalo at dnainternet.net
Mon Oct 2 14:39:10 UTC 2006

Hey all,

I recently had problems with my laptop, and it's hard 
drive got swapped. I didn't notice to backup the wallpaper 
I was using, and now all of a sudden I can't seem to find 
it anywhere. I've looked all over the net, with all 
keywords in the searches I could think of, na-da. Thus I'm 
turning to you, if anyone within the community could help 
me find the image. It was blueish, with palm prints "in 
space". With space I mean I seem to remember there were 
stars printed, thus making the effect the palm prints were 
hanging in space. :)

Hopefully someone else has seen it, and can help me find 
it. TIA! :)


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