[Fwd: [MB] OT: Computer system to replace]
Wade Smart
wade at wadesmart.com
Sun Nov 26 02:56:47 UTC 2006
11252006 2056 GMT-6
mac mini
On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 20:39 -0600, Gerry Visel wrote:
> >From my Mercedes list:
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: William Todd Woods <WTWoods at sbcglobal.net>
> Reply-To: mercedes at mercedeslist.com
> To: Mercedes List <mercedes at mercedeslist.com>
> Subject: [MB] OT: Computer system to replace
> Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 16:31:22 -0800
> Hello Esteemed Listmates,
> Yep, I know this is so far off of any topic normally permitted here,
> but I'm completely befuddled and perhaps someone knows exactly what
> I'm looking for.
> Step One, new kitchen, 300 sq. ft., now will have a 40" LCD TV,
> Yamaha 5.1 stereo. Will also need all the other gadgets: cable box,
> dvd player/recorder, tivo, whatever.
> Here's my curiosity-- is there, available, a pc/mac/linux computer
> unit that can take the place of any/all gadgets, and perform all
> functions of a cable box channel switcher, dvd player/recorder, tivo?
> If not, there should be, darnit.
> Okay, thousands of apologies to everyone for this misguided post.
> Todd in Vallejo
> Todd94590 at yahoo.com
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