[Fwd: [MB] OT: Computer system to replace]
Gerry Visel
gcvisel at gmail.com
Sun Nov 26 02:39:46 UTC 2006
>From my Mercedes list:
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: William Todd Woods <WTWoods at sbcglobal.net>
Reply-To: mercedes at mercedeslist.com
To: Mercedes List <mercedes at mercedeslist.com>
Subject: [MB] OT: Computer system to replace
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2006 16:31:22 -0800
Hello Esteemed Listmates,
Yep, I know this is so far off of any topic normally permitted here,
but I'm completely befuddled and perhaps someone knows exactly what
I'm looking for.
Step One, new kitchen, 300 sq. ft., now will have a 40" LCD TV,
Yamaha 5.1 stereo. Will also need all the other gadgets: cable box,
dvd player/recorder, tivo, whatever.
Here's my curiosity-- is there, available, a pc/mac/linux computer
unit that can take the place of any/all gadgets, and perform all
functions of a cable box channel switcher, dvd player/recorder, tivo?
If not, there should be, darnit.
Okay, thousands of apologies to everyone for this misguided post.
Todd in Vallejo
Todd94590 at yahoo.com
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