latin1 (iso-8859-1) on filenames (not the file content itself)

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Fri Nov 17 00:46:21 UTC 2006

rodrigochinaski wrote:

> I've come from a debian unstable system. I have an ext3 partition with
> ISO-8859-1 characters at the filename. Filenames with accents (á é ó í
> etc) and cedilla (ç). However, nautilus, gnome-terminal or even the
> console can't display the filenames correctly.
> What should I do? Is there a way to make the ubuntu system display
> correcty filenames with iso-8859-1 characters on it?
> Or should I rename all my files using pure ascii characters?
> Or should I rename the files using accents, so it'll updated under
> UTF-8 ?

You could use convmv to convert the filenames to UTF-8. You'll find conmv 
and the man page here:
For Edgy, there is even a package in universe.

convmv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf8 <filenames>
should print what changes would be made. If you're satisfied with this, add 
the --notest option to really get the files renamed.


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