Converting latin1 (iso-8859-1) to utf8 (the file content itself)

rodrigochinaski rodrigo.chinaski at
Fri Nov 17 11:06:54 UTC 2006

> You could use convmv to convert the filenames to UTF-8. You'll find conmv 
> here:
> and the man page here:
> For Edgy, there is even a package in universe.

Ok, that worked. So now is up to utf-8. I didn't expect this change so
soon, but if that's where the future's pointed...

Now I need to tool to convert latin1 content of some text files
(basically m3u playlists and checksum.md5 files) to utf8 inline. I
couldn't do with iconv, it needs an output file and I wish it just
worked as convmv, where the input file is the same output.

thanks a lot.

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